Saturday 6 January 2018

Matcha Green Tea Sorbetes

Heavenly and Nutritious Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream

Matcha is a type of green tea with huge health benefits, and it's great for weight loss.This matcha green tea ice cream is packed with antioxidants for a healthy summer treat. If you like your desserts—ice cream in particular—on the “not-too-sweet” side, matcha green tea ice cream is perfect for you! It's cool, refreshing, and just the thing to relieve you from the intense summer heat.

Matcha is made from finely-ground tea leaves that have been grown in the shade, which give them more chlorophyll than other green teas. This chlorophyll detoxifies the body, ridding it of heavy metals and chemical toxins. 

Matcha tea powder also contains catechins which have antibiotic properties and promote overall health. It’s an anti-inflammatory and helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It has been associated with preventing illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart problems, and even certain kinds of cancer.

Superfood matcha also increases your energy due to its caffeine—but it also contains L-theanine to balance out the caffeine, which means you don’t get the “crash” that comes with drinking coffee. This L-theanine not only boosts your energy; it also keeps you focused, relaxed, and de-stressed.

It’s rich in antioxidants. Antioxidant-rich foods help manage free radicals in the body and flush out toxins, helping us to fight against things like UV radiation and skin damage. According to this study, matcha treatment – due to its antioxidant levels – may be associated with lower cholesterol, blood glucose levels, and triglycerides.

It contains catechin (EGCg). What’s that? Good question. Catechin is a type of natural phenol and antioxidant and a strong cancer fighter. This is the antioxidant that makes matcha unique, considering epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) comprises around 60% of the catechin content of matcha powder. Research shows its concentration is 137 times greater than the amount in China green tea, making it a superior choice. If you’re already drinking green tea, maybe it’s time to make the switch to matcha!

It’s can help calm you down. Green tea contains l-theanine. Despite its caffeine content, l-theanine makes it a much milder choice than coffee. L-theanine is actually a calming agent and reduces stress response. In humans, studies show it reduces blood pressure and provides some anti-stress benefits without making subjects drowsy. While matcha is energising and good at waking you up, its balanced effects will help you reduce coffee anxiety and jitters while avoiding the afternoon crash. If you need a pick-me-up later in the day, matcha tea is much more forgiving.

It can boost focus. We often reach for caffeine as a means of getting focused and getting to work, but for many of us, a little too much of it backfires. L-theanine has also been shown to play a role in critical aspects of attention span according to research, leading us to believe that drinking matcha tea may give us a good brain boost when it comes to focus and productivity.

Increases metabolism. Matcha tea makes a great addition to your diet if you’re looking to shed some weight as green tea has metabolism-boosting properties. Research links its thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation – our body’s ability to efficiently break down dietary fats into smaller components for use by the body rather than storage.

So give this matcha green tea ice cream a try! 

Sunday 17 September 2017

The History of Pinoy Sorbetes - With Video

The History of Pinoy Sorbetes

Ice cream is enjoyed all around the world with practically every region having its own version of the frozen creamy dessert.

Sorbetes is the Philippine’s very own and has made its mark in our culture and history. Sorbetes was served during the banquet of the 1898 declaration of Independence when Emilio Aguinaldo became the first president of the Philippines.

The history of sorbetes or what is commonly known as “dirty ice cream” starts with the importation of ice to the Philippines.  Yes ice, 250 tons of it.

In April 1847, Russel & Sturgis shipped 250 tons of ice on the frigate Hizaine from the United States to the Philippines tax-free.  Later Russell & Sturgis became the first ice plant in the country until it went bankrupt in 1881.

The garapiñera or ice cream freezer in Spanish was really just a primitive bucket with a manual handle that could churn the ice cream mixture. It was used to make the first sorbetes in the country.

During the colonial times, the process of making sorbetes was a family activity as they took turns in turning the handle until the mixture had the right consistency of ice cream.  

The ice cream  mixture inside the garapiñera consisted of carabao milk, crushed ice, eggs and ube or whatever flavor was desired such as mantecado and queso.  Salt was sprinkled on the mixture to keep it from melting.   

Sorbetes is still made in the Philippines today thanks to the sorbeteros who peddle the ice cream in the streets. The sorbetero’s carts are distinctly decorated like a Philippine jeepney, while three ice cream flavours are stored inside three metal canisters. Blocks of ice keep the sorbetes frozen.

Popular flavors of the dirty ice cream include avocado, melon, strawberry, cookies and cream, chocolate and cheese.  Now coconut milk is also used to give the sorbetes its creaminess. Sorbetes is scooped and served in sugar cones or in between bread buns.

Information Pieces by Michelle Ylaya
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Bakit nga ba tinawag na 'dirty ice cream' ang sorbetes -Video

Selling All Natural Home-made Sorbetes (Aucklasnd NZ)

Click on the link (Flavors) to see the Results Page for each Flavor.




Macapuno Pandan

Melon (Cantaloupe)

Salted YemaUbe "Yum-Yum"

Guyabano (Soursop)

DurianMango - Philippine Mango

For inquiries and orders please send us a message through our contact/order form.

Why Avocado Ice Cream are full of healthy, beneficial fats

Avocados Contain More Potassium Than Bananas. Potassium is a nutrient that most people aren't getting enough of.

This nutrient helps maintain electrical gradients in the body's cells and serves various important functions.

Avocados are actually very high in potassium with a 100 gram (3.5 ounces) serving to contain 14% of the RDA, compared to 10% in bananas, which are a typical high potassium food.

Several studies show that having a high potassium intake is linked to reduced blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

Avocados are relatively high in fat and calories (138 calories and 14.1g fat in half a medium-sized avocado). But they’re also one of the best foods you can eat, packed with nutrients and heart-healthy compounds.

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one serving (one-fifth of an avocado, approximately 40 grams) contains 64 calories, almost 6 grams of fat, 3.4 grams of carbohydrate, less than a gram of sugar, almost 3 grams of fibre and almost 1 gram of protein.

Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium and potassium. They also provide lutein, beta-carotene and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Although most of the calories in an avocado come from fat, don't shy away! Avocados are full of healthy, beneficial fats that help to keep you full and satiated. When you consume fat, your brain receives a signal to turn off your appetite. Eating fat slows the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar, which helps to keep sugar levels in your blood stable.

Fat is essential for every single cell in your body. In fact, over sixty percent of your brain is made of fat. Eating healthy fats supports skin health, enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and may even help boost your immune system.

Do not be fooled by fat-free and low-fat products, or shy away from foods like avocados and nuts that are full of healthy fats. Ever since the low-fat fad started in the 1950s, we have only become fatter. Manufacturers often just replace the fat in reduced and fat-free products with sugar.

This does not mean you should eat loads of bacon cheeseburgers and fried foods because not all fats are created equal. Eating healthy fats daily (like mono- and polyunsaturated fats in avocados) can improve heart health, lower cholesterol, keep you full and satiated and curb your cravings for fried, greasy foods. On the flip side, fried foods, processed meats and cheeses contain saturated fats that can clog arteries, increase cholesterol and lead to higher levels of inflammation.

How Does Avocados Grow?

Video by True

20 Reasons Why You Should Eat An Entire Avocado Every Day - Video

Video by Elemental Life

Pieces of information by nzavocado

How can I ripen my avocado?
Avocados will ripen in your fruit bowl but to accelerate the process, pop in a brown paper bag and include a banana or apple. These other fruits give off ethylene gas, which is a ripening agent. To find out more click here

How can I store avocados?
Uncut ripe avocados can be refrigerated for a few days. Once cut, lemon juice and vinegar can be used to stop from browning or puree with lemon juice and freeze.

How do I stop avocados going brown when I cut them open?
There are a number of ways to combat oxidisation on the freshly cut flesh of avocados: store in an airtight container or cover the flesh in lemon juices or wrap in glad wrap.

Eating Avocados

When can babies start eating avocado?
Avocado is the perfect baby first food. They are the ideal flavour, consistency and nutritional content. Avocado's smooth, creamy consistency, neutral flavour and excellent nutritional content makes it one of the first fresh fruits your wee one can enjoy.  They are a great source of calories, high in healthy fat and help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) from foods eaten with them. Additionally, avocados are very low in sugar and sodium and contain good amounts of developmental nutrients, such as folate and vitamin E, and are gluten-free. A ¼ avocado serving has 4 grams of unsaturated fats, which are known to be important for normal growth and development of the central nervous system and brain. Find out more about the nutrition of avocados here

Can you eat the brown bits in avocado? 
Avocados should be eaten when the skin is brown and the flesh is a green-yellow colour. Once the flesh starts going brown the avocado is starting to rot. If there is a small amount of brown flesh the green part can still be eaten but it’s best to avoid eating brown flesh.

Can I use avocado oil instead of olive oil or vegetable oil? 
Yes, avocado oil is very healthy and great for the eyes, skin and heart. It’s great as a 1 to 1 substitute for savoury recipes, sauces and dressings. For baking, we would recommend using fresh avocado as a substitute for oil or butter. Due to their mono and polyunsaturated fat content, avocados are a great substitution for foods rich in saturated fat.

Can I use avocado instead of butter?
Yes, avocados are a great substitute for butter on toast, sandwiches and in baking. Using avocados instead of butter helps to lower the calorie count and add nutrients into your baking. Use ½ the amount of mashed avocado for the substitute. Check out our baking recipes here

Can you eat avocados during pregnancy? 
Yes, definitely. Avocados are full of folate which is essential during pregnancy and vital for healthy growth and development for all ages. Find out more here

Health and Nutrition

Are avocados good for you? 
Avocados are packed with almost 20 nutrients. They are a nutrient-dense fruit that plays a major role in healthy diets, contributing almost 20 vitamins, nutrients and phytonutrients. Also, avocados are an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats, are cholesterol-free and have naturally low levels of sugar and sodium.

Are avocados fattening?
The body needs fats as they are vital for good health and avocados are an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats.  There has been a steady rise in the popularity of adding healthy plant sources of fats such as avocado to well-balanced diets. Wherever you find fat, all three types of fat will be present: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated but just in different amounts. In plant foods such as avocado, the majority of the fat is the healthy kind: 60% monounsaturated fat and 12% polyunsaturated fat. Half an avocado contains 15g of monounsaturated fat and 3 g of polyunsaturated fat.

How many calories in an avocado?
One-half of a medium avocado (83.5g) has 893 Kilojoules or 213 calories and contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals making it a good nutrient choice. See more about the nutrition qualities here

Growing Avocados

How can I grow avocado seeds?
Avocado seeds are relatively easy to sprout and are a great project for kids.
Remove the seed from the avocado and clean the flesh from it
Skewer the seed around the centre with four toothpicks ensuring you locate the small bump at the bottom of the seed.
Place seed on a jar of water with the toothpicks resting on the rim, ensuring the bottom half is submerged.

Sprouting can take between 2 and 8 weeks. Once the sprout reaches about 20cm pot in soil.
Why isn’t my avocado tree producing fruit?

Avocados trees grown from seeds can take up to 12 years to start producing fruit. There are many environmental reasons that trees may stop producing fruit such as dry soil, root rot and pruning faults. For more information please see our orchard management resources here

When should I pick my avocados?
Avocados are unusual as they do not ripen on the tree, they only ripen once they picked. If they are picked before they are mature avocados will remain rock hard and never ripen. The best way to find out if your avocados are ready to be picked is to pick one, if it ripens within two weeks then the rest should be ready too.  If it doesn’t ripen then keep checking every couple of weeks. The main harvest season for Hass avocados (the main variety) in New Zealand in September to April. Good sized avocados on most trees in New Zealand should be ready to pick during this time.

Where in New Zealand are avocados grown?
All avocados sold in New Zealand are grown in New Zealand. The main avocado growing regions are Northland and the Bay of Plenty.

Why are there seasonal differences in the supply of avocados? 
Avocados are biennial in their fruit growth; this means that s they have an irregular bearing of fruit with seasonal swings in production. One year there will be a large crop and the next the crop may be much smaller. Watch this video to find out more

General avocado questions

Can I use avocado on my skin and hair?
Avocado fruit and oil are very effective as a hair or skin mask, it can help to repair dry hair and moisturise the skin.

Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?
Avocado is often confused as a vegetable but it’s actually a fruit, more specifically a berry. It’s one of the healthiest fruits as it contains almost 20 nutrients, is naturally low in sugar and one only a few fruits that contain protein.

Where in New Zealand are avocados grown?
All avocados sold in New Zealand are grown in New Zealand the main avocado growing regions are Northland and the Bay of Plenty. Click here to find out more about our avocado growers

When is the New Zealand avocado export season?
The main export season is between August and February but avocados can be supplied year round in New Zealand.

Why do avocados vary in price?
Demand for avocados in New Zealand has increased as more people discover their amazing health benefits and versatility. Prices for avocados in New Zealand can change as a result of supply and demand. As with all fresh produce, prices fluctuate with the supply throughout the year and avocado volumes vary from season to season.

Why do I sometimes see such bad quality avocados in the supermarket? 
Avocados need to be handled very carefully - more carefully perhaps than any other fruit in the produce section and as such, they do not always get the care they need because they get treated like the other more resilient fruit. If you see poor quality avocados in your local supermarket, we suggest that you speak to the production staff in the store as they may be unaware of the issue without feedback from shoppers.

Creamy Natural Fruit Durian Ice Cream

Durian  Sorbetes

A soft, sweet creamy ice cream made with Natural Durian Fruit.

We only use All Natural Ingredients, we use Natural Durian Fruit for our ice cream.

Southeast Asian traditional beliefs, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, consider the durian fruit to have warming properties liable to cause excessive sweating

The traditional method to counteract this is to pour water into the empty shell of the fruit after the pulp has been consumed and drink it.An alternative method is to eat the durian in accompaniment with mangosteen, which is considered to have cooling properties. 

Pregnant women or people with high blood pressure are traditionally advised not to consume durian.

The Javanese believe durian to have aphrodisiac qualities, and impose a set of rules on what may or may not be consumed with it or shortly thereafter.

Durian is very high in nutrients compared to most fruits.

Here is the nutrient content in a cup (243 grams) of pulp (1):

Calories: 357.

Fat: 13 grams.
Carbs: 66 grams.
Fiber: 9 grams.
Protein: 4 grams.
Vitamin C: 80% of the RDI.
Thiamin: 61% of the RDI.
Manganese: 39% of the RDI.
Vitamin B6: 38% of the RDI.
Potassium: 30% of the RDI.
Riboflavin: 29% of the RDI.
Copper: 25% of the RDI.
Folate: 22% of the RDI.
Magnesium: 18% of the RDI.
Niacin: 13% of the RDI.

This nutrient profile is actually very impressive compared to other fruits. It makes durian one of the most nutritious fruits on earth.

It is also rich in healthy plant compounds, including anthocyanins, carotenoids, polyphenols and flavonoids. Many of these function as antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Durian

All parts of the durian plant — leaves, husk, roots and fruit — have been used in traditional Malaysian medicine to treat a variety of illnesses, including high fever, jaundice and skin conditions.

Studies have shown that durian fruit may have the following health benefits.

Reduce cancer risk. Its antioxidants may neutralize cancer-promoting free radicals. In one study, durian extract prevented a strain of breast cancer cells from spreading.

Prevent heart disease. Several compounds in durian may help lower cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries.

Fight infection. The rind contains antibacterial and anti-yeast properties.

Lower blood sugar. Durian has a lower glycemic index than other tropical fruits, meaning it may lead to a lower blood sugar spike. It may also prevent some glucose from being absorbed and stimulate insulin to be released.

Why Does It Smell So Bad?

Jessica Chastain and Jimmy Kimmel Eat the Durian Fruit 
Video by Jimmy Kimmel

Opinions are mixed about durian's smell. Some people love it, others hate it.

The smell is very strong and has been described as a combination of roasted and rotting onion, sulphur, sewage, fruit and honey.

A study analyzed the aromatic compounds in durian and found 44 active compounds, including ones that contribute to scents of skunk, caramel, rotten egg, fruit and soup seasoning.

So potent is the fruit's smell that it's forbidden from many hotel rooms and public transport systems in Southeast Asia.

Your impression of the fruit depends on whether you smell the sweet-smelling or stinky compounds more strongly.

The World's Smelliest Fruit

Video by The New York Times

Jamie Oliver tries Durian

Video By Timothy

Pinoy Mango Ice Cream

Mango Sorbetes - With Real Philippine Mango Bits and Pieces

We use All Natural Ingredients for our Mango Sorbetes - (Philippine Mango Fruit)

Succulent, meaty, sweet, nutritious and deliciously tempting, these are just some words to describe Philippine Mangoes

Mangoes of the Philippines. The most common variety of mango in the Philippines is what Americans refer to as champagne mango. It's been called Manila mango, Ataulfo mango (named after its Mexican grower) and Honey mango.

Mangoes are the national fruit of the Philippines and are grown by around two and a half million smallholder farmers on over 7 million mango trees.

Most human beings think a mango is only a mango. But just like apples, there are different types.

In the Philippines, we call it “Mangga”, a tagalong word for mango. Mangoes can be found anywhere in the country. You can even see mango trees on the backyard of most Filipinos. This is why Mango is considered as the National fruit of the Philippines.

There are varieties of manga in the Philippines. The most famous is the “Kinalabaw” (carabao mango or champagne mango). This is considered as the sweetest mango in the world.

Another kind of mango is “Pico”. I f you’re looking for a sour or rather say “extra-sour” mango, better eat this one raw, for sure “mapapa-mukhasim ka sa sarap!”, as what Filipinos say.

Indian Mango is also a popular kind of mangga in the Philippines. This is a small mango usually eaten raw. And lastly, the “apple mango”, this one is a reddish mango. It has a different taste among all the other mangoes that makes it a very special mangga.

The mango fruit belongs to the genus Mangifera and the family Anacardiaceae – it is closely related to the cashew.

Mangoes may very well be the king of all fruits. They fight cancer, alkalize the body, aid in weight loss, regulate diabetes, help digestion, clean your skin, and make the perfect snack. Here are healthy reasons why you should be eating a mango every day.

Nutrition chart

One cup of mangoes (225 gms contain) contains the following percentages that apply to daily value.
105 calories
76 percent vitamin C (antioxidant and immune booster)
25 percent vitamin A (antioxidant and vision)
11 percent vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins (hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention)
9 percent healthy probiotic fibre
9 percent copper (copper is a co-factor for many vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells)
7 percent potassium (to balance out our high sodium intake)
4 percent magnesium

17 Health Benefits of Mango 

1. Fights cancer
Antioxidants like quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat present in mango protect the body against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.

2. Keeps cholesterol in check
Mango has high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibres that help to lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to control heart rate and blood pressure.

3. Skin cleanser
Mangoes help you unclog your pores and add freshness to the face. Mangoes are applicable to any skin type. They help clear clogged pores that cause acne. Just slice a mango into thin pieces and keep them on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and then take bath or wash your face and see the results.

4. Alkalizes the body
According to natural health, mango is rich in tartaric acid, malic acid and traces of citric acid that primarily help in maintaining the alkali reserve of the body.

5. Weight loss
Mango has a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help the body feel fuller. Also, the fibrous fruit boosts the digestive function of the body by burning additional calories, helping in weight loss.

6. Regulates diabetes
Not only the fruit but the leaves of mangoes are healthy too. For people suffering from diabetes, just boil 5-6 mango leaves in a vessel, soak it through night and drink the filtered decoction in the morning. This is helps in regulating your insulin levels.

Mango has a low glycemic index (41-60) so going a little overboard will not increase your sugar levels.

7. Aphrodisiac
Mango has aphrodisiac qualities and is also called the ‘love fruit’. Mangoes increase the virility in men. Vitamin E, which is abundantly present in mangoes, helps to regulate sex hormones and boosts sex drive.

8. Eye care
Did you know that mango is rich in vitamin A. One cup of sliced mangoes equals 25% intake of your daily need of vitamin A. Mangoes help in promoting good eye sight, fights dry eyes and also prevent night blindness.

9. Helps in digestion
Mango contains enzymes that help in breaking down protein. The fibrous nature of mango helps in digestion and elimination. It is is rich in pre-biotic dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals.

10. Heat stroke
When the sun is bogging you down this summer, just chop of a mango in a juicer; add a little water and a tbsp of sugar free or honey. This juice will instantly cool you down and prevent heat stroke.

11. Strengthens your immune
The deadly combination of vitamin C, vitamin A and 25 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system healthy.

12. Body scrub
Make a paste of mashed mango, honey and milk and use as a body scrub, you will feel that your skin is tender and smooth.

13. Aids concentration and memory
Studying for exams? This fruit is rich in glutamine acid– an important protein for concentration and memory. Feed mangoes to children who find it difficult to concentrate on studies.

14. High iron for women
Mango is rich in iron, hence it is a great natural solution for people suffering from anemia. Menopausal and pregnant women can indulge in mangoes as this will increase their iron levels and calcium at the same time.

15. Reduces Kidney Stones 
In Chinese medicine, mangoes are considered sweet and sour with a cooling energy also capable of reducing the risk of kidney stone formation.

16. Perfect Snack
Instead of snacking on unhealthy chips and cookies, why not feast on slices of mangoes instead. They are perhaps one of the tastiest dehydrated fruits of all.

17. Stomach Tonic 
Before going to bed put some 10 or 15 mango leaves in warm water and close it with lid. The next day morning filter the water and drink it in empty stomach. Do this regularly.

Credit Informations from

Purple Yum Ice Cream

Ube "Yum-Yum" Sorbetes

We only use All Natural Ingredients, we use fresh Ube for our ice cream.

It's called Ube Sorbetes (Ice Cream) and it's a very popular flavour in the Philippines. The sweet treat gets its unique color from the ube , an incredibly vibrant, sweet, purple yam used in a variety of Filipino desserts. Purple yam is just as nutrient packed as the orange version of sweet potato.

They’re full of antioxidants – in particular, one called anthocyanin, which may protect against cancer and heart disease due to its anti-inflammatory properties. This type of antioxidant can also be found in blackberries, blueberries and blackcurrants.

This delicious all Natural Home made Ube Ice Cream is smooth and creamy with an almost floral hint and fine ube bits. So if you’re looking for a colourful new way to eat your veggies, give purple yam ice cream a go.

Yams in general are very healthy but because ube yams are purple inside they also contain a lot more antioxidants than regular yams. Plus ube yams have beautiful purple color which is amazing, and they contain lots of minerals, vitamin A and C, and many more healing agents. And ube yams should not be confused with purple potatoes or yams they are totally different.

Purple Yam is an earthly, healthy and delicious food. Purple yam is a tuber with rough textured, dark colored grayish brown skins and purple flesh. Flesh color may differ from white, yellow or purple, depending on variety. Tubers are normally rough textured, variously shaped from roughly oblong to curvaceously twist depending on specific varieties. Purple yam is very twisted looking in appearance and grows on a vine rather than underground. They have mild sweet taste.

Purple and blue foods are an excellent source of nutrients. These foods derive their shade from the antioxidant Anthocyanin. It is a very energy defense towards cell damage and attacks on your immune system. They are nutritionally similar to other types of potatoes; they are rich in carbohydrates but low in protein and fat. In the Philippines, it is a major vegetable crop and an important source of food. It is abundant in the last months of the year. And this is why during the Christmas holidays, a lot of desserts and snacks in the Philippines are made of purple yam. It is used in a variety of desserts, as well as a flavor for ice cream, milk, Swiss rolls, tarts, cookies, cakes, and other pastries.

Nutritional value

Apart from their mild sweet taste, purple yam is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 100 gram of purple yam offers 0.29 mg of Vitamin B6, 27.89 g of Carbohydrate, 0.18 mg of Copper, 17.1 mg of Vitamin C, 816 mg of Potassium, 4.1 g of Total dietary Fiber, 0.11 mg of Vitamin B1, 55 mg of Phosphorus, 0.54 mg of Iron, 0.31 mg of Vitamin B5, 23 µg of Vitamin B9, 21 mg of Magnesium, 0.55 mg of Vitamin B3, 1.53 g of Protein, 0.03 mg of Vitamin B2 and 0.24 mg of Zinc.

Health benefits of Purple Yam

Purple Yam is very delicious especially eaten in a condition that is still warm. Most people still assume when Purple Yam is a food village. Currently, Purple Yam not only can be processed into traditional meals. But it is also made into a more modern fare like a pudding of sweet violet, purple yams, rice and purple Yam brownies. Listed below are some of the popular health benefits of Purple yam:

1. Proper blood circulation

Purple pigments contained in the purple Yam are related in conducting the blood circulation in the body. Purple pigments that give color to the meat of the purple Yam is called anthocyanin. As discussed previously, the relationships serve as antioxidants that can absorb air pollution. So any blood clots will not occur and the blood circulation in our body become smooth.

2. Better digestion

Fiber and pectin found in purple yam is quite beneficial for proper digestion of the food. Both were helpful in keeping the digestive process in the funnel and digest remain good. So we will be safe from numerous digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, constipation, and even cancer.

3. Good source of carbohydrates

Purple yam contains a high amount of carbohydrate due to which we can easily replace rice. Beautiful purple color can be used as ingredients for the food coloring.

4. Anti-bacteria

Anti-bacterial activity of purple Yam reach 3.2 times higher than various kinds of blueberries. So including purple yam in your regular diet is quite beneficial for overcoming all the bacterial problems.

5. Overcoming Asthma

Asthma is not a disease it can be cured, it often decline with routinely consuming purple Yam. Asthma occurs due to pulmonary organs that are difficult to expand. By consuming purple yam on a regular basis, asthma will be cured and does not recurred.

6. Low calorie

Purple Yam or yellow sweet potato has 112 calories without the fat and cholesterol content of sodium. Normally purple Yam is consumed by boiling or steaming which increases its sweet taste but the calories remain low.

7. Add the weights of the body

Purple Yam consists of complex carbohydrates and also has the sweet taste which can help to add weight to your body. Certainly not just consume the purple yam regularly but also comes with exercise and sports. Then the muscles can be formed and your weight will increase effortlessly.

8. Anti-Cancer

Purple yam has 2.5 times higher antioxidant activity compared to different types of blueberries. Because of its higher antioxidant activity it can help to control the cancer cells in the body. Additionally, selenium and iodine content in the purple yam is 20 times higher than other types of ubi. Thus it is quite helpful for overcoming cancer.

9. Processed into a variety of healthy dishes

Apart from boiled Yam and fries, beautiful purple color of purple yam can be used as a natural dye. A wide variety of healthy foods can be made from sweet violet color. We can find numerous recipes where purple yam can be used.  Purple Yam can be quite delicious and healthy addition in your food.

Traditional benefits and uses of Purple yam

Presence of high level of Vitamin B6 in Purple yam reduces depression among women.

The pace of converting the carbohydrates present in Purple yam into sugar is very sluggish, hence, helps to curb the increase of blood sugar level in the human body.

Purple yam elements prove beneficial for human urinary, respiratory and nervous systems.

High manganese content in Purple yam increases the energy level in human body.

Purple yam has been used as a vermifuge and laxative in various healing practices.

It is widely known for curing burned hemorrhoids, fever, gonorrhea, tumors, leprosy and many more.

Solves a number of digestive problems.

Controls high blood pressure impacts.

Provides relief in muscle tension, nerve tension, neuralgia and cramps.

Powdered tubers used as a remedy for piles, gonorrhea, and applied externally to sores.

Tuber paste applied on cancerous wounds; used for leprosy, gonorrhea, skin diseases and high blood pressure in Assam.

Used to treat diarrhea, frequent urination, cough, diabetes mellitus, burns and scalds.

It is used to treat diarrhea, fortify the spleen and kidneys in Traditional Chinese medicine.

It is used to relieve dysmenorrhea.

Tuber contains allantoin, a cell-proliferant that speeds the healing process.

Tuber is used internally in the treatment of tiredness, weight loss, poor appetite, poor digestion, chronic diarrhea, asthma, dry coughs, frequent or uncontrollable urination, diabetes and emotional instability.

It is applied externally to ulcers, boils and abscesses.

Sunday 3 September 2017

The History of Ice Cream - Worldwide

The History of Ice Cream - Worldwide

Ice cream's origins are known to reach back as far as the second century B.C., although no specific date of origin nor inventor has been undisputably credited with its discovery. We know that Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice flavored with honey and nectar. Biblical references also show that King Solomon was fond of iced drinks during harvesting. During the Roman Empire, Nero Claudius Caesar (A.D. 54-86) frequently sent runners into the mountains for snow, which was then flavored with fruits and juices.

Over a thousand years later, Marco Polo returned to Italy from the Far East with a recipe that closely resembled what is now called sherbet. Historians estimate that this recipe evolved into ice cream sometime in the 16th century. England seems to have discovered ice cream at the same time, or perhaps even earlier than the Italians. "Cream Ice," as it was called, appeared regularly at the table of Charles I during the 17th century. France was introduced to similar frozen desserts in 1553 by the Italian Catherine de Medici when she became the wife of Henry II of France. It wasn't until 1660 that ice cream was made available to the general public. The Sicilian Procopio introduced a recipe blending milk, cream, butter and eggs at Café Procope, the first café in Paris.

Ice Cream for America
The first official account of ice cream in the New World comes from a letter written in 1744 by a guest of Maryland Governor William Bladen. The first advertisement for ice cream in this country appeared in the New York Gazette on May 12, 1777, when confectioner Philip Lenzi announced that ice cream was available "almost every day." Records kept by a Chatham Street, New York, merchant show that President George Washington spent approximately $200 for ice cream during the summer of 1790. Inventory records of Mount Vernon taken after Washington's death revealed "two pewter ice cream pots." President Thomas Jefferson was said to have a favorite 18-step recipe for an ice cream delicacy that resembled a modern-day Baked Alaska. Check out President Jefferson's vanilla ice cream recipe here. In 1813, Dolley Madison served a magnificent strawberry ice cream creation at President Madison's second inaugural banquet at the White House.

Until 1800, ice cream remained a rare and exotic dessert enjoyed mostly by the elite. Around 1800, insulated ice houses were invented. Manufacturing ice cream soon became an industry in America, pioneered in 1851 by a Baltimore milk dealer named Jacob Fussell. Like other American industries, ice cream production increased because of technological innovations, including steam power, mechanical refrigeration, the homogenizer, electric power and motors, packing machines, and new freezing processes and equipment. In addition, motorized delivery vehicles dramatically changed the industry. Due to ongoing technological advances, today's total frozen dairy annual production in the United States is more than 1.6 billion gallons.

Wide availability of ice cream in the late 19th century led to new creations. In 1874, the American soda fountain shop and the profession of the "soda jerk" emerged with the invention of the ice cream soda. In response to religious criticism for eating "sinfully" rich ice cream sodas on Sundays, ice cream merchants left out the carbonated water and invented the ice cream "Sunday" in the late 1890's. The name was eventually changed to "sundae" to remove any connection with the Sabbath.

Ice cream became an edible morale symbol during World War II. Each branch of the military tried to outdo the others in serving ice cream to its troops. In 1945, the first "floating ice cream parlor" was built for sailors in the western Pacific. When the war ended, and dairy product rationing was lifted, America celebrated its victory with ice cream. Americans consumed over 20 quarts of ice cream per person in 1946.

In the 1940s through the ‘70s, ice cream production was relatively constant in the United States. As more prepackaged ice cream was sold through supermarkets, traditional ice cream parlors and soda fountains started to disappear. Now, specialty ice cream stores and unique restaurants that feature ice cream dishes have surged in popularity. These stores and restaurants are popular with those who remember the ice cream shops and soda fountains of days past, as well as with new generations of ice cream fans.

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